It's going to be a great ride.


    CHAPTER 1. My friends invited me to join them for a night out to a music show on Friday last week. The dullness and boredom brought about by the cold winters is gone and people are slowly coming out of hibernation. Live music is one of the things that comes back with people, and so… Continue reading


    Riding the evening metro has become an intriguing experience as I eavesdrop on diverse conversations. From an elderly lady debating video game sniping with her grandson to a heated argument over the best pizza topping, the discussions have been entertaining. The most thought-provoking conversation, however, involved two young men discussing pronouns. Their debate raised crucial… Continue reading

  • Tick tock! Time is gone!

    Tick tock! Time is gone!

    Time. One of man’s greatest assets. Time. One of man’s greatest enemies. The year has had 365 days, 105 of which have been weekend days Depending on where you are in the world, your nation had an extra 5 to 35 public holidays. Like most people in the world, I have had a shift in… Continue reading

  • Fools everywhere, fools anywhere.

    While waiting for a train after running errands, the narrator overhears a man claim the government is hiding dinosaurs. Despite the sarcastic disbelief expressed by the narrator, the man continues his theory, creating an amusing dynamic between him, his friends, and the outsider listening in. The train’s arrival interrupts the humorous exchange of conspiracy and… Continue reading

  • Brain not braining.

    Life is a circus, and once in a while, a tornado comes and wipes you and changes everything. Sometimes, it destroys it, and sometimes, it changes it for the better. A lot has happened, so many things that I would love to share with everyone. Things that will make you laugh, others that will make… Continue reading


    Picture this, a starry night in fall, a peaceful silence and a smiling black man. These are the perfect ingredients for a horror film, where the main character dies a horrible death. They are infact the ingredients of what would have been a very long, painful night for me. It was early in the night… Continue reading


    The story you are about to read is a life changing one. It is a story with wonderful lessons, I don’t know what the lessons are, but I believe that there are a bunch of them in here somewhere. I also believe that when you read this, you will find said lessons and your view… Continue reading



    The last month has been an absolute crap-fest of emotions, anger, irritability, and all-around exhaustion. I have been dealing with all kinds of idiots and hurdles, and at some point, I forgot to take care of my health. Whenever I am dealing with a problem, I shut down and shut everyone and everything completely out.… Continue reading


    The narrator uses a jiko (charcoal stove) indoors without proper ventilation, leading to carbon monoxide poisoning. After falling asleep, they wake up with a headache and gradually lose control of their body. After several attempts to call for help and numerous falls and fainting spells, they manage to crawl outside for fresh air. Convinced they… Continue reading



    How tragic it would have been, to die in such a manner, so cold, full of regret, dejected and tired. I am going to take you back, way back to July 31st of 2022. Unless something tragic or incredible happened to you, that specific day rings no bells whatsoever. That day resonates with me for… Continue reading

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